I can't believe how time flies! Last time I posted on this blog, I was twenty five and unmarried. Now I am twenty six and unbelievably happy. It's a puzzle how I ended up this way, I think its a combination of events that led up to my current generally happy disposition. As an update, and because they paint a thousand words, here are some of my life's significant events in the past months, in pictures:
I tied the knot with my sweetie of nine years in a gorgeous church wedding last December. If I were to do it over and over again - this whole wedding business, I would always get married to the same person and in exactly the same way. :-)
A few months later, we spent a week in Coron, Palawan, a piece of paradise on Earth, if I say so myself. I will not trade vacationing in our own Coron with traveling to Europe or the U.S. or whichever popular tourist destination. I guess its just my kind of honey moon place. Now I can tell anyone from anywhere that I've visited the most beautiful place in my country - or the whole world, for that matter.
Some of the happy trips I've gone to during the year include an office trip to Davao and a trip with college friends to Bataan. I feel so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life!
Ala-Saturday afternoon teenage flick series |
Let's do it! Taken at Pearl Farm, Davao |
Travelling may be fun and exciting, but I've had some happy moments in the city as well. This year, we moved to our new home and discovered the joys (and pains!) of painting our own living room. At least we now live in a bigger house rather than a one-bedroom studio, and get to exercise our legs every time we go to another room. We now even have air-conditioning in our bedroom. Just recently, I celebrated my twenty-sixth birthday in our new house, with a menu cooked up all by myself!
Celebrating my 26th year of existence with a simple house party |
I wear my eyebags proud. These are the eyebags of a woman who cooked a feast for 12 in less than an hour. *smug |
With the family at my sister's home coming. |
My nephew Jared's christening. |
Since we're at the topic of house parties, the first house party I've had in our new home was a bachelorette party in honor of a friend getting married. Now we're not showing anything incriminating here, but I had lots of fun. both at the party and at the wedding!
An odd-shaped piece of candy quite popular at bachelorette parties. Hmmm. |
The gang with the newlyweds! The blushing bride was one of my bridesmaids too. |
I guess one blog post isn't enough to share all of the wonderful moments I've had this year. Of course, not every day is a happy day. Still, happiness is a state of mind... something I'm determined to keep for the rest of the year and the rest of my life!